Summer School 2019

The CASE Summer School is a 5-day intensive course that introduces case studies for creative science inquiry for primary schools, namely Learning Science Through Theater, Learning Science Through Puppetry and Learning Science Through Digital Narratives & Storytelling”
CASE summer school elaborates a methodology that regards teachers as agents of change. It aims to empower their profession with skills and competencies that will enable them to widen their teaching capabilities by incorporating creativity and art in science education.
The scope is to motivate participants to become aware of specific opportunities in their own practice and the need to make necessary
improvements aligned to the guidelines of Europe for the future of science education.
Contents and outline
Enhancing teacher skills, strengthening their ability to motivate innovation and creativity is crucial. It is precisely the enrichment of
the creative elements in Inquiry Based Science Education as an integral part of such a system, based on a wealth of existing European knowledge, which is the cornerstone of the CASE summer school.
The CASE summer school is the collective construct of case studies for creative science inquiry for primary schools, namely:
- Learning Science Through Theater: In this case teachers and students will be involved in the development of short or
long performances that will have a scientific theme (physics, mathematics, environment etc.). In the specific case guidelines will be
produced for the teachers to be used in training workshops but also to guide them in implementing this case within their classroom. - Learning Science Through Puppetry: Every activity starts with a story, acted out by hand puppets to awaken children’s
curiosity, motivating them to go on to discover and create using real materials from the world around them. The teachers and students should follow their story and develop relevant activities that could be enriched with relevant music/lyrics. - Learning Science Through Digital Narratives & Storytelling:
- Slowmation: Through the activities of this case, pupils (with the guidance of their teachers) produce their own “slowmation films” about science, and may thus contribute to the teaching and learning of science and of the nature of science.
- Digital Storytelling: It will introduce students in a progressive exploration of the different technologies that can be accommodated from the provided system, from simple text and video uploading to advanced augmentations of students’ artifacts
Who can participate
CASE Summer School is open to all motivated teachers, early stage researchers, artists as well as science communicators that are working
with primary schools.
The Summer School will increase the skills and competences to those that are interested to work with primary school students or are primary
school teachers already.
No previous experience is required, rather than a need for high expectations, a shared sense of purpose, and above all, a collective
belief in the common ability to make a difference to the education of the children you serve.
Work goals
- Understanding of specific best practices, through training and demonstration of them in authentic settings
- Participation in numerous activities and training on the project’s methodology of employing Creative Science Agents
- Review and training on the utilization of the (web) tools of the project
Afterwards, participants will elaborate activities in schools by utilizing the project’s elements and with students, they will be able to
develop their own projects.
CASE Summer School 2019 Programme
You can download the programme of 2019 Summer School in .pdf format here.